2012 - A troubled start
The troubling aspect of 2011 year end has carried over to 2012 as well. There was still hope in 2011 but now it is more or less clear 2012 is going to be a tough year ahead. It is strange that how a company affects the employees.
Specific to Oman, the closing of the branch is affecting 30 odd employees. People who was considering that the present job would contribute to their aspiration. Now in one shot the company has put doubts in the mind of the employee. A personnel sitting in Dubai with a plan to shut the office irrespective of what future business it could bring. What does this mean , the company at least is not with a long term view but a looking for a very short term objective. In short the compnay wants to exit the Telecom market. Or is it true what the company wants to do, does it really makes sense that a company survives just focussing a limited product and limted area. This is against the theory of backward or forward integration. Well time will only tell.
But the shock of this magnitude will definitely take 30 odd people to re-think and trust in any company they work in future. Rather it would make them a bit mean.
I for expample has not looked beyond the company , why? I was doing my wokr , not threatened by anyone, growing proffessionally every 2 years. Life was good but missed to see if things will last. This is where I missed the boat. I should have defined an exit point and exited before this happened. Isnt this happening to me the second time. Isnt it similar to the story of the wanderer who falls into a pit for the first time and comes out of it but then again he is falling in to the same pit. Strange.
Needs to look into the fundamentals. Why do I wait for something to happen? Is this the fundamental which needs to be checked ? Or are there more to be looked.
Why is self criticality the first action from my side? Why?
Just read today in Sacred Space that Life is a like a book , unique and only written with you as the main character , the plot is unique, the characters feel and reactions are unique but then the main thing is it is authored by none other than GOD. But is this true. The plot is set by GOD but your attitude defined how the plot further develops. Has to talk about this to Jeena. Would be interesting to see her point of view.