Sunday, March 07, 2010

Yoke of Life

Well another Monday, was tired in the morning to get up from the bed. Could not get up early and missed going to church in the morning. Anyhow dragged myself out of bed on time to tune in to Gurucharanam. Today's topic was "Yoke".

He(Fr. Bobby Jose) started off by saying the Yoke needs to be sweet and light. But how do you make it sweet and light was the rest of the message.

First and foremost, consider the fact that the Yoke is given to us by The LORD and has made it fitting for you. Considering that Jesus was a carpenter, it is more of an apt way of thinking that he can make a yoke of the right size. LORD doesnot give us burden that we cannot manage. So having this confidence is the first and foremost thing to have.

Second is to consider that the love that makes you carry the yoke of life. The simple reason of carrying the yoke and the benefit that you might be bringing to you or your environment is another factor that needs to be taken into consideration. The benefit (not for you) but for your loved and beloved ones will make the yoke more sweet.

Third is to consider that this yoke was meant for you by the LORD. Accepting the yoke with this knowledge and submission gives you the strength to carry the yoke with the trust in the LORD. A story in line to this thought. "A Japanese farmer was walking to his animal farm on a winter day. He had the Japanese hat on his head and was walking on a snowy day or rather had to walk a snowy week. Everyday while he was walking heavy snowflakes was falling on his head. This caused the hat to be heavy and also a burden on his head. He took his hat off and shrugged of the snow and continued his walk. The next day the same thing happened. He got a bit angry about this. When it continued the following days he really started complaining. One day he thought himself , the world is too big consideting the size of the hat , the sky is too large considering the size of the hat, but still why does the snowflake fall on me which is small in size and also the hat which is smaller than me. Then he submitted to the fact that this was the part meant for him and also that the hat is saving his head from the snow flakes. He never felt angry anymore about the snowflakes" Not a revolutionay story but at least one which has a very small useful mesasge in it.But also a message saying that a yoke has always a pair in consideration. One is you and other can only be GOD. But our human brilliance doesnot allow us to recognise him. Definitely GOD will appear in one form or another. It might be a person(known or stranger) who takes care of the other part of the YOKE. Trust me it is GOD send/arranged.

The final thought in this angle is to participate as a partner in the other's yoke. Now it becomes our duty to take the role of the other partner in case of other persons yoke. The best example in this case is that of Simon the person who helped Jesus to carry the cross. Also it coudl be a soothing talk.

Being the season of lent why dont we see Jesus's Way of the Cross in light of the above four points:

- GOD felt that sacrifice can only be done by Jesus his SON among all the creatures he made. Would you or me doing it have made the Way Of Cross so meaningful to the whole human world?

- Was not there LOVE involved in the Yoke of Jesus. Definitely the LOVE towards the human being. Do you think anything else might have made it possible for JESUS to go through the Way Of Cross so beautifully and graciously.

- Did not Jesus has his own doubts on carrying out the final mile of his Journey. The night at the Gethsamine garden epitomises the dilemma he went through. But then he realised that this was meant for him and he accepted it. Yes after praying for such a long time. He was alone when he took that decision.

- Finally was not there somebody to help the SON of GOD in his journey. Simon coming and helping him out?

Let us meditate on the above points and find courage while carrying the yoke of life.

As Fr. Bobby Jose said let us make our Yoke sweet and light by taking inspiration from the above thoughts.

Gurucharanam is telecast in Shalom Television every Mon at 08:30 IST.


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