Sunday, November 12, 2006

My stock learning journal

After quite some years of yearning yesterday I took the first step towards understanding the whole concept. Found a new site call Registered myself in it and found a lot of useful informtion in it.

As usual there are loads of information , it can be useful only if it is put in use. Awareness of something is good but application is more important. I know this is not a new insight.

Anyhow decided to stop reading all the bollywood and newspaper in the Internet but rather surf into sites like this frequently.

Next step is to start a demat account and allocate some money for the same. Wish me all the best on this journey of self learning. Ofcourse I need to find out somebody in my town who is knowledgable in it so that I can discuss things with him. I need a mentor for this. YA. Will keep posting my progress.

Informed my friend about this site as well.


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